CA LIC #1057703
Bond/ 04-WB104021
CA LIC #1057703
Bond/ 04-WB104021
Servicing Los Angeles for over 45 years

How to Maintain Your Precast Concrete Fence After Installation

A precast concrete fence surrounding a residential property.

Precast concrete fences are appealing partly because of how low maintenance they are. But even the most self-sustaining fences require some amount of maintenance, especially after years of exposure to the elements.

Fortunately, maintaining your precast concrete fences with a little bit of knowledge and effort is easy. Here’s how you can keep your fence looking great for years after your fence installation.

The Importance of Proper Concrete Maintenance

Even though one of concrete’s selling points is that it usually doesn’t need much care, giving it some attention can help keep it looking like new. Maintenance can also help you catch problems before they worsen, helping you save money on repairs or even preventing you from prematurely replacing your fence.

Keep Concrete Clean

Airborne grime can make the surface look dingy and unattractive. This grime can stain the concrete if ignored, making removing it challenging.

You won’t have to clean your fence often, but doing so even once a year can make a world of difference in its health and longevity. After fighting off a year’s worth of dirt and grime, it’ll also ensure it looks great.

Concrete fences lend themselves well to pressure washing since concrete is so durable, so it’s a fantastic choice if you’re dealing with stubborn stains. Hand washing works well, however, if you don’t have access to a pressure washer.

Ideally, use a gentle cleanser like detergent or anything pH neutral, and avoid hand washing unsealed surfaces. Sometimes, a stronger cleaner will be necessary, but usually only if the fence has yet to be cleaned in years.

You can test whatever cleaning method you’d like on a small section of your fence first. This way, you can know whether the cleaner you’re using is safe without covering all of your concrete with it.

Seal Your Precast Concrete Fence

You shouldn’t wash unsealed surfaces because concrete is porous. But you can do so safely using a topical sealer every few years.

Weather and time will naturally cause the sealer to wither away, eventually making any contact with water problematic. And should the trapped water freeze, it can damage the concrete.

Avoid this by sealing your concrete once it’s dry. Make sure to check that the precast joints are sealed as well since these can expand and contract easily.

Take Care with Chemical Cleaners

Even though concrete is tough, some chemicals can make quick work of damaging it.

Chemical cleaners often come into play when homeowners notice stains or other markings on their concrete. And while some cleaners may be perfectly fine to use on concrete, it’s essential to read any disclaimers first to know you won’t accidentally damage your precast concrete fence in the process.

Prevent Cracks and Repair Them Immediately

Temperature fluctuations or drying can cause concrete to crack. Preventing cracks can be challenging, but the best way to keep them from spreading is to address them even when they’re small.

Concrete fencing professionals can help you devise a plan for mitigating damage and walk you through the next steps for any necessary repairs during your fence installation.

You should also do your best to keep things from hitting your fence, as weak points could crack with enough force. If you know extreme weather is coming, you can either tie down or put away large items that the wind could toss into your wall and potentially damage it.

Repair Chipping

Chipping can happen over time with concrete products like precast concrete fences. It’s mostly an aesthetic issue rather than an infrastructure problem, but the fix is easy enough that it can be worth addressing.

Grinding or reshaping with a concrete patching compound at the site of the chipping is a relatively simple solution that could significantly affect how your fence looks.

Inspect the Fence Often

A thorough visual inspection at least once a year is an excellent way to check on your fence’s health. Look out for chipping, fractures, or any other signs of deterioration. If you notice any spalling — which is when larger pieces of concrete begin to fall off your fence — you’ll need immediate repairs to prevent the problem from getting worse.

While some of these issues can seem minor, others can snowball into significant problems if you don’t take the time to address them early.

Long-Lasting Concrete Starts with Professional Fence Installation

The best way to ensure your fence will stand tall for years is to hire a reputable company like Fence Installers to install it for you. If you’d like to learn more about our professional precast concrete fencing services, reach out today, and get a personalized quote for your project.